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How to schedule comments

You can schedule comments on any post scheduled to a business page or business page group.

Elizabeth Ickes avatar
Written by Elizabeth Ickes
Updated over a week ago

As of 04/22/24, Facebook does not allow comments to be scheduled to groups or events.
There is only one type of location Facebook allows comments to be scheduled - business pages scheduled in the classic way.

You are able to schedule comments to publish beneath posts, to Pages scheduled the Classic way, without using the Chrome extension.

There are no limits to how many comments you can schedule. However, we do suggest that you don't set things up in such a way that you are rapidly posting comments as Facebook likely has some undocumented limit on that.

Creating Scheduled Comments

  • From your PostMyParty dashboard, click Templates.

  • Click on the name of the template you want to add a comment to.

This page will list all posts in that template. Look for the Comments column.

  • Locate the post you want to add a comment to -I'll refer to this as the 'parent post.'

  • Click the number in the Comments column beside that post.

  • Scroll down, and click the New Comment button.

  • After that, adding comments to a post is very similar to how you add a post to a template.

You will be able to post either a Message-Only or Picture post. You can include a link in the message box, and once posted to Facebook it should show as a blue clickable link (it is up to FB how they choose to display these links).

  • Click the Create Comment button.

That comment is now listed under the post you had selected. Once that template is scheduled to Facebook, this comment will publish underneath it's parent post at the time it was scheduled for.

Additional Notes:

  • When choosing the time for the comment, be certain to select a time AFTER the parent post is scheduled for. The comment cannot publish before that post.

  • The number listed in the Comments column will not include comments posted manually in FB by you or your guests - it will only show the comments you have scheduled on that post.

  • The system will still allow you to schedule templates with comments into parties scheduled with the extension (either groups, events, or pages). However, you'll receive a reminder that it will skip (fail) any comments added.

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