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How to Join a Team

Use a Team Code to join a team and import any templates shared there.

Elizabeth Ickes avatar
Written by Elizabeth Ickes
Updated over a month ago

If a Team Code was shared with you, you can use that to join a team and import any templates or libraries shared there.

In order to join a team, you will need the host of that team to share the team code with you.

  1. From your PostMyParty menu, click Teams.

2. Click the Join Team button.

3. Enter the team code that was shared with you.

4. Click Join Team.

You're now a member of that team! You can now import any templates or libraries shared with this team.

Import Templates and Libraries to your Account

  1. From the Teams menu, click the name of the team you're on.

  2. Choose the Templates or Libraries tab at the top of the page.

  3. Click the Copy to My Templates/Libraries option beside the template or library you want to save to your account.

  4. A new window will pop up. Confirm by clicking the Copy Template or Copy Library button given there.

That template is now saved to your account and is available to use.

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