You know how when you get a message on Facebook Messenger, that chat box pops up in the bottom corner? We've found that for some folks this may be preventing the flow of the extension from publishing how it should.
This can result in a tab left open on your computer, where it looks like it loaded your post content, but didn't finishing posting it (see example below).
To prevent this from occurring, we recommend:
1) Close any existing FB chats you have open, on all Facebook tabs on your computer.
2) Disable new chats from automatically popping up.
Note: Disabling this pop-up will NOT prevent you from being notified of new chats. Your Facebook Messenger icon will still ping and highlight when a new message is received.
Step 1) Close all existing Facebook chats
Open the browser you have downloaded the extension to.
Open your Facebook on that browser.
Close any chats shown on that page.
Be sure to close any minimized chats as well, which appear as profile pictures on the right of the screen.
Follow the above steps on ALL Facebook tabs you currently have open on that browser.
Step 2) Disable new chats from popping up
Click the FB Messenger icon at the top of your Facebook
Click the 3-dot icon to open the menu
Toggle the Pop-Up option off
This may help your posts publish more smoothly moving forward.