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How to edit a shared template
How to edit a shared template
Elizabeth Ickes avatar
Written by Elizabeth Ickes
Updated over a year ago

Has someone shared a template with you, and you're wanting to make some changes to it? This article with walk you through how to do this.

NOTE: This article goes over how to edit a template using the newest version of PostMyParty. If the directions given here are much different than what you're seeing on your screen, you can switch to using the new app.

It's really easy! Just click the Switch to New App button in the top corner of your dashboard.

If you haven't already, you'll need to save that template to your account first:
All you need to do is click the link you were given, then click the Import button on that page. The whole template including text, photos, links, and the times will be saved in your account.

View the Template

From your PostMyParty dashboard, click Templates. This will list all the templates you have. From this list, find the template that was shared with you, and click on it's name.

Now you're viewing the template, and all individual posts in that template are listed here.

Change the Name

At the top of this page, the name of the template is listed. You can click on it, and type in the name you prefer instead.

Then, click the Save Changes button just below. You'll want to be sure to do this on any page you make changes to, so those edits are saved.

Change the Day or Time of a post

Click the Quick Edit icon (looks like a pencil with lightning bolt) to the far right of the post you want to make changes to.

A window will pop up, you can click on and adjust the day and time of that post. Click Save.

Note: The Day is not the date of the month, but rather the day of the party you want it to post on.

For example, if you have a 3 day long party - Day 1 would post on the first day of the party, Day 2 would post the second day, and Day 3 the final day.

Later, when you schedule this template to post to Facebook, you will choose the actual starting date of your party.

Edit a Post

Click the Edit icon (looks like a pencil) to the far right of any individual post you want to make changes to.

This will bring up a new page, where you can make any changes you like.

  • Change the Message: Type in and/or remove any unwanted text in the original message.

  • Change any Links (website or video): Erase the current link, and replace it with your own.

  • Edit Photo: Click the Replace icon below the existing image. A window will pop up, where you can select the image you want to use instead.

  • Add More Photos: Click the Browse File box. A window will pop up, where you can select the image you want to use instead.

  • Delete Photo: Click the Delete icon below the image you no longer want.

  • Edit/Delete GIFs and Video: Same process as photos, above.

Remember: Be sure to click Save Changes at the bottom of the page when you're finished editing the post.

That's about covers the basics!

I want to mention one more common situation with shared templates: Replacement Tokens.
Do you notice any words typed in the messages of your posts, like the image below?

If so, the person who shared that template with you had entered those 'tokens' (indicated in the image above) as a short-cut to customize your parties.

You're welcome to remove those from your template, or you can keep them so you can use them as well.

For more information on the benefit of using tokens, please see the following:

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