When attempting to use the PostMyParty keyboard extension, you may find your phone or tablet does not include the necessary keyboard icon.
Oftentimes, it shows a microphone icon instead. If this is the case for you, follow along to see how to exchange that Microphone icon for the Keyboard icon.
Does your phone show a microphone icon?
To check:
Open your Android device's keyboard
Check to see if you have the Microphone Icon in the bottom left (or bottom right) corner of the keyboard.
If you do NOT see a microphone icon there and there isn't any icon in either corner, this article may be more helpful.
However if you DO see a microphone icon there, please continue below. 👇
Remove the Microphone icon
From the top right corner of your keyboard, click the GEAR icon.
Scroll down to find the VOICE INPUT option from the list and click it to open
From the options given, select NONE
Click the back arrows to exit out of all the settings screens.
You might need to click a few arrows to fully exit out of your settings.
Lastly, check your keyboard again. A Keyboard icon should now appear where the microphone icon used to be.
See here for more on how to use the Keyboard Extension to create posts: